Friday, March 26, 2010

Love,Sex and Dhoka-a good hindi movie at last....

A good hindi movie at last!! I watched LSD the other day with a friend and thought it was a  really good film.I dont say  i enjoyed it cause its not the kind of movie ones enjoys.Definitely not a feel good movie. Quite contrary to that actually. Some of the scenes are inflammatory and stay with you even after the movie.Its  the kind of movie that gets you thinking but what makes it unique and sets it apart from the other movies in this category is the realism in its three stories. Some of the scenes are so intense that  they slam you hard in the face before you even have time to register them. I for one couldnt get over some scenes for a while after it was over. The actors have done a great job and are convincing to the extent that you feel the dread,fear and  happiness of the characters almost first hand. Its well translated and the director hits the nail on the head.So in my opinion its a great watch and for people who arent a bundle of nerves and dont have a weak heart, a must watch.

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