If there ever was a person named most appropriately it has to be my friend Lavina. Ever since school Lavina has been an embodiment of love. I remember expressing that to her in some puerile manner or mawkish gesture back in school. She has a colossal heart and a bottomless well of love. But all this is an established fact known to all of us from that particular batch and hardly the reason for writing this post. These words came cascading to my mind immediately after i was visually inspired by this mail she sent me. What was in this mail? The pictures below....
Lavina goes to an orphanage every sunday to spend time with the kids there and hone their creative skills.She teaches them to paint. The paintings above are done by those kids. When i saw these i was inspired and i knew i had to do something so other people could acknowledge and appreciate these vibrant hues and steady strokes. And also, in a tad selfish way, for my own introspection.Many a sundays i have told Lavi that i would join her at the orphanage and spend time with the kids and not once have i kept my word. I make assorted excuses to Lavi and myself but then some hoarse intimidating voice inside my head keeps nagging me. This just goes to show that if i or anyone else for that matter did just a small percentage of what people like Lavi do we could be content and happy from inside and not just superficially....
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